You own a business right? Are you in the office 24/7/365? Of course not… you’d be dead in 6 months. So you have an outgoing message that says something like this:

“Hello. You have reached us after business hours. Please leave your name and phone number, and we will have a knowledgeable sales rep call you back as soon as we get back in. Thank you.”

Am I right? Is this more or less the extent of the phone message.  Well, I am here to introduce you to new way of leaving an “Out of Office Message” This concept is the most powerful response generator I have ever used! EVER!

It is quite simply this:  – Use Free Recorded Messages to Increase Your Call Back Rate!  Let’s talk about what I mean.

Whenever you do any marketing, whether an ad, or postcard, or business card, or whatever, using a toll-free number with a 24-hour recorded message … will always pull more leads than any other response mechanism. . .PERIOD!  Why do I say this? Well, after years of testing and reports from literally thousands of our members all across the country, I can simply say that voice mail marketing works much, much, much better than non-toll free voice mail marketing!

Here’s what I mean. Look at these two ads, and see if you notice the subtle difference:



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So? Spot the difference?

Well, the only difference is that one ad asks people to call a toll-free number, while the other ad asks them to call a toll-free number, 24 hours, for a FREE recorded message!

And that subtle difference can usually mean anywhere from double or triple the leads … to as many as 20 times the leads!


I am not going to tell you that if you ran those two ads in the same paper that you would always get x% more leads with the recorded message … because I can’t give you exact numbers of increase for any specific ad.

What I can do, however, is tell you that 99 out of 100 times, the recorded message pitch will out pull the non-recorded message pitch!


What do you think the reason is that a lot of interested prospects do not follow through and call you, or respond to your “pitch,” even when you provide a toll-free number, which we know works better than a local number? For each person who responds, there are dozens on the brink who stop short. Why?



They have this fear that you are going to try to sell them something. (Why would they think that?) Well, there is a cheap and efficient way to handle this element of fear using a non-threatening, non-sales approach!


Voice Mail!


This simple little trick will increase your response immeasurably. Why? Since the prospects know that they will not get a live, pressure-laden, salesperson on the phone, they will be much more likely to call. I cannot stress the importance of this no-pressure marketing tool enough! Everyone in business feels compelled to create immediate conversations with prospects. All the big companies teach you this. It is a sin to waste a “hot one,” and let them get away. Fortunately, pressure selling has gone the way of power ties. All it does is turn people off. It creates an image of distrust and actual disgust for the offending party.


However, the “pressure-less”, “nudge-type” approach will gently ease these skeptical prospects into the fold. Whatever the reason, if you don’t use this technique, you will not make anywhere near the amount of money you are capable of.  That’s a fact.

So, in conclusion, get yourself a toll-free line and start getting those prospects to leave their names and numbers.



out of office message

About The Guest Author:

John Montana has been a successful salesman since 1990. He has written an ebook about how to record a message on your messaging system that will greatly improve your success rate of potential customers leaving their name and phone numbers. Check it out   CLICK HERE.