There are many different businesses for online marketing that you can start but most of them come down to three broad categories which are: selling products or services to retail customers, selling on eBay, and business-to-business selling. When you are looking at creating and starting an online business, you’ll want to look at what your specialty is in creative business around one of these three broad categories. You might want to do a little market research first, to determine what your main area of interest or your where your biggest odds of success lay.

If you decide that you want to sell to retail customers, you will have to find a way to sell your products or services in a different manner than many of the other retail websites out there. This means a business plan outline. If you decide that you want to sell on eBay, you’ll want to find a wholesale distributor of products where you can buy your products at a great discount. If you already work within the business-to-business forum, this will be an easy transition for you.
Each of these three categories can be broken into but you must decide upon which of the three will focus.

Many people will decide to start an online business but have no idea where they should focus their efforts. By focusing your efforts on one of these three categories, you’ll know in which direction to start. If you decide to start with eBay, look for a wholesale distributor where you can buy your products of the great discount. This is most effective for many startups because you do not have to buy the products in you can worry about selling online to people who want your product.

The people who want your product will be the ones who are bidding so that you know exactly what they want when the auction is over. To find some wholesale distributors for you, do a Google search for this type of service. There are literally millions of companies that would love your business.
If you decide that you want to sell products or services to retail customers, try and find a niche that is underserved by your and your Internet competitors right now. This is key to creating a starting an online retail business because you want to find an area where there is little competition that you can dominate. To find some of these underserved niches, again go to Google and find out what is trending or hot. Then look deeper into those areas.

Finally, if you decide that you want to do business to business selling, figure out how you can provide benefit to the particular market that you want to go after. Many people work online as freelance writers and you are able to do this and potentially differ yourself from the competition if you market to one particular niche. Business-to-business selling is similar to the retail strategy in that you want to focus upon a niche and try and dominate that niche.
Hopefully this article on creating and starting an online business gives you an idea on which of the three areas you would like to focus.